How should I use NEUPRO for Parkinson’s disease? • Read the Instructions for Use at the end of this leaflet for specific information about the right way to apply the NEUPRO patch. • Use NEUPRO exactly as your doctor tells you to use it. • NEUPRO comes in 4 different size (dose) patches for Parkinson’s disease. Your doctor should start you on a low dose of NEUPRO. Your doctor will change the dose weekly until you are taking the right amount of medicine to control your symptoms. It may take several weeks before you reach the dose that controls your symptoms best. • Apply NEUPRO 1 time each day at the same time each day. • You may bathe, shower, or swim while wearing a NEUPRO patch. Water may loosen your NEUPRO patch. • If the edges of the patch lift, you may tape them down with bandaging tape. • If your NEUPRO patch falls off, apply a new NEUPRO patch for the rest of the day. The next day, apply a new patch at your regular time. • If you miss a dose or forget to change your NEUPRO patch, apply a new NEUPRO patch as soon as you remember. Replace the NEUPRO patch at your normal time the next day. • Talk to your doctor often about your condition. Do not stop or change your treatment with NEUPRO without talking to your doctor. What should I avoid while using NEUPRO? • Do not drive, operate machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how NEUPRO affects you. • Avoid exposing the site where you have applied your NEUPRO patch to heating pads, electric blankets, heat lamps, saunas, hot tubs, heated water beds, and direct sunlight. Too much medicine could be absorbed into your body. • Do not use NEUPRO during certain medical procedures called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or cardioversion. Using NEUPRO during these procedures could cause a burn to the site where you applied your NEUPRO patch. • Avoid direct sunlight if you get a skin rash or irritation from NEUPRO until your skin heals. Sun exposure could lead to skin color changes. What are the possible side effects of NEUPRO? NEUPRO can cause serious side effects, including: • severe allergic reactions. NEUPRO contains a sulfite called sodium metabisulfite. Sulfites can cause severe allergic reactions that are life threatening to some people who are sensitive to sulfites. An allergy to sulfites is not the same as an allergy to sulfa. People with asthma are more likely to be allergic to sulfites. Remove your NEUPRO patch right away and call your doctor if you have swelling of the lips or tongue, chest pain, trouble breathing or swallowing. • falling asleep during normal activities. You may fall asleep while doing normal activities such as driving a car, doing physical tasks, or using hazardous machinery while taking NEUPRO. You may suddenly fall asleep without being drowsy or without warning. This may result in having accidents. Your chances of falling asleep while doing normal activities while using NEUPRO are greater if you take other medicines that cause drowsiness. Tell your doctor right away if this happens. Before starting NEUPRO, be sure to tell your doctor if you take any medicines that make you drowsy. • hallucinations and other psychosis. NEUPRO can cause or worsen psychotic symptoms including hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not real), confusion, excessive suspicion, aggressive behavior, agitation, delusional beliefs (believing things that are not real), and disorganized thinking. The chances of having hallucinations or these other psychotic-like changes are higher in people with Parkinson’s disease who are elderly, taking NEUPRO, or taking higher doses of NEUPRO. If you have hallucinations or any of these other psychotic-like changes, talk with your doctor.

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