WHY a patch may be right for you. ® • NEUPRO Žrotigotine transdermal system‘ provides stable continuous delivery 24 hours a day so you get a consistent level of medication throughout the day. • †he NEUPRO Patch offers oncedaily dosing. ‹imply choose the time of day that ors best for you and apply the patch at the same time each day. • †he medication in the NEUPRO Patch does not go through your digestive system. • ”ood on’t interfere ith ho it ors • No pills to sallo • No need to schedule NEUPRO around meals • †he medication in NEUPRO ill not be affected by the digestive tract NEUPRO can cause nausea vomiting indigestion or upset stomach hich may occur more fre•uently hen you first start using the patch. ‹in reactions may occur at the site here you apply NEUPRO. †ell your doctor if you get a rash redness selling or itching that ill not go aay. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ‹ome patients using NEUPRO get urges to behave in a ay that is unusual expressing myself for them such as unusual urges to gamble strong urges to spend money binge eating or increased se€ual urges and behaviors. f you or your family notices you are developing any unusual behaviors tal to your doctor. NEUPRO may cause uncontrolled sudden movements or mae such movements you already have orse or more fre•uent if you have Parinson’s disease hich may mean that your antiParinson’s medicine needs to be changed.