’isit ƒƒƒPatchPartnershipP‚com to get™ • A…ice on hoƒ to tal ƒith or nerologist • Resorces for patients an caregi…ers CARING for someone with Parkinson’s? There are resources for you, too. –hen you care for someone ith Parinson’s you ant to do everything you can to help mae them feel better. †hat’s hy e thin you’ll appreciate the NEUPRO Patch for the symptom control it can help provide as ell as the oncedaily application. –e also hope the financial educational and support ™ services that are available ith our Patch Partnership Program can help you and the one you’re caring for in all inds of ays. n short e’ll or hard to be the best partner e can so you can eep being the best partner you can. f you have any more •uestions about the NEUPRO Patch these resources may help™ ON • ’isit ƒƒƒNEPROP‚com† • For information tailore to caregi…ers • For a emonstration …ieo an instrctions on appling the NEPRO Patch ™ • To sign p for the Patch Partnership Program an the ™ NEPRO Patient Sa…ings Program • šall the toll€free help line at —€›‘‘€Žœœ€‰‰žŸ if o ha…e ¡estions aot hoƒ to appl the NEPRO Patch IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ‹in reactions may occur at the site here you apply NEUPRO. †ell your doctor if you get a rash redness selling or itching that ill not go aay. ‹ome people ith Parinson’s disease may have an increased chance of getting a sin cancer called melanoma. šou should have your sin checed by a doctor regularly.
What you should know about NEUPRO® Page 8 Page 10