With NEUPRO, It’s ON in so many ways, because: • Earl€stage P‚ patients ta ing NEPRO saƒ significant impro…ement in Par inson’s smptoms throgh a comine measre of† — Motor fnctions‡ sch as tremors‡ stiffness‡ sloƒness‡ an prolems ƒith alance‡ an — Acti…ities of ail li…ing‡ incling eating‡ ressing‡ an ƒal ing • A…ance€stage P‚ patients ta ing NEPRO in aition to their eˆisting meication ha almost ‰ hors less “off” time—an nearl ‰­Ž hors more “on” time—than patients ta ing a placeo­ — More than tƒice as man P‚ patients ta ing NEPRO ƒo e p “on” efore ta ing morning meication‡ compare to those ta ing placeo­ • NEPRO is a once a a patch that pro…ies meicine for ‰‘ hors­ ‚o not se NEPRO if o are allergic to rotigotine or an of the other ingreients in the patch­ IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION NEUPRO can cause or orsen psychotic symptoms including hallucinations Žseeing or hearing things that are not real‘ confusion e€cessive suspicion aggressive behavior agitation delusional beliefs Žbelieving things that are not real‘ and disorgani‡ed thining. †he chances of having hallucinations or these other psychoticlie changes are higher in people ith Parinson’s disease ho are elderly taing NEUPRO or taing higher doses of NEUPRO. f you have any of these problems tal to your doctor. NEUPRO can cause decreases in blood pressure especially hen you start or increase your dose. ncreases in blood pressure and heart rate fainting eight gain and fluid retention also can occur. f you faint or feel di‡‡y nauseated or seaty hen you stand up from sitting or lying don or have an unusually fast increase in eight selling or fluid retention especially in the anles or legs tell your doctor.

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 5 What you should know about NEUPRO® Page 4 Page 6