IˆPOR‰ŠN‰ ‹ŠŒE‰Ž INŒORˆŠ‰ION NEUPRO contains a sulfite called sodium metabisulfite. ‹ulfites can cause severe allergic reactions that are life threatening to some people ho are sensitive to sulfites. People ith asthma are more sensitive to sulfites. Remove the patch right aay and call your doctor if you have selling of the lips or tongue chest pain or trouble breathing or salloing. NEUPRO may mae you fall asleep suddenly or ithout arning hile doing normal activities such as driving hich may result in accidents. †ell your doctor right aay if this happens. rining alcohol or taing other medicines that cause drosiness may increase your chances of becoming sleepy hile using NEUPRO. o not drive use ha‡ardous machinery or do other dangerous activities until you no ho NEUPRO affects you. NEUPRO can cause or orsen psychotic symptoms including hallucinations Žseeing or hearing things that are not real‘ confusion e€cessive suspicion aggressive behavior agitation delusional beliefs Žbelieving things that are not real‘ and disorgani‡ed thining. †he chances of having hallucinations or these other psychoticlie changes are higher in people ith Parinson’s disease ho are elderly taing NEUPRO or taing higher doses of NEUPRO. f you have any of these problems tal to your doctor. NEUPRO can cause decreases in blood pressure especially hen you start or increase your dose. ncreases in blood pressure and heart rate fainting eight gain and fluid retention also can occur. f you faint or feel di‡‡y nauseated or seaty hen you stand up from sitting or lying don or have an unusually fast increase in eight selling or fluid retention especially in the anles or legs tell your doctor. ‹ome patients using NEUPRO get urges to behave in a ay that is unusual for them such as unusual urges to gamble strong urges to spend money binge eating or increased se€ual urges and behaviors. f you or your family notices you are developing any unusual behaviors tal to your doctor. NEUPRO may cause uncontrolled sudden movements or mae such movements you already have orse or more fre•uent if you have Parinson’s disease hich may mean that your antiParinson’s medicine needs to be changed. ‹in reactions may occur at the site here you apply NEUPRO. †ell your doctor if you get a rash redness selling or itching that ill not go aay. ‹ome people ith Parinson’s disease may have an increased chance of getting a sin cancer called melanoma. šou should have your sin checed by a doctor regularly. Avoid e€posing the NEUPRO patch you are earing to heating pads electric blanets heat lamps saunas hot tubs heated ater beds and direct sunlight. †oo much medicine could be absorbed into your body. Also do not ear NEUPRO during medical procedures called magnetic resonance imaging Ž­R‘ or cardioversion because this could cause sin burns. †ell your doctor if you have breathing problems a sleep disorder mental problems high or lo blood pressure or heart problems¥ are pregnant or plan to become pregnant¥ or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. NEUPRO may not be right for you. †he most common side effects in people taing NEUPRO for Parinson’s disease are nausea vomiting sleepiness application site reactions di‡‡iness loss of appetite difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep increased seating vision problems leg selling and uncontrolled sudden movements of the arms or legs.

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 14 What you should know about NEUPRO® Page 13 Page 15