Figure B • Apply your NEUPRO patch to a different place on your skin each day, for example, from the right side to the left side and from the upper body to the lower body. Your NEUPRO patch should not be applied to the same area of your skin more than 1 time every 14 days. Apply NEUPRO to a different area of skin (only one of the shaded areas in Figure B) each day to reduce the chance of getting skin irritation. • If you need to apply your NEUPRO patch to a hairy area, the area should be shaved at least 3 days before applying the patch. • Avoid applying your NEUPRO patch to areas where it could be rubbed by tight clothing or under a waistband. • Avoid applying your NEUPRO patch on skin folds. • Do not apply your NEUPRO patch to skin that is red, irritated, or injured. • Avoid applying creams, lotions, ointments, oils, and powders to the skin area where your NEUPRO patch will be placed. How to apply NEUPRO: Step 1. Grasp the two sides of the pouch and pull apart. See Figures C and D. Figure C Figure D

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