Frequently asked questions, continued. . What shol I a­oi while taing NEUPRO? o not drive operate machinery or do other dangerous activities until you no ho NEUPRO affects you. Avoid e€posing the NEUPRO Patch you are earing to heating pads electric blanets heat lamps saunas hot tubs heated ater beds and direct sunlight. †oo much medicine could be absorbed into your body. o not use NEUPRO during certain medical procedures called magnetic resonance imaging Ž­R‘ or cardioversion. Using NEUPRO during these procedures could cause a burn to the site here you applied your NEUPRO Patch. €. ‚o I ha­e to aly my NEUPRO Patch aron mealtime? No. Apply your patch hen it’s convenient for you and apply it at the same time each day. œecause NEUPRO is delivered through the sin food should not affect the medication. ƒ. Why o I nee to hol the NEUPRO Patch on for at least 3„ secons? Press your NEUPRO Patch firmly ith the palm of your hand for žŸ seconds to mae sure there is good contact ith your sin especially around the edges. †he armth of your hand helps the adhesive on the patch stic to your sin. ­ae sure that your NEUPRO Patch is flat against your sin. †here should be no bumps or folds in your NEUPRO Patch. …. ow can I re­ent sin irritation or other sin†relate sie effects? šou need to change the location of the NEUPRO Patch on a daily basis and should not use the same location for ¡4 days. ¢hanging the location ill reduce the chance of getting sin irritation. šou may see mild redness lie hen you remove an adhesive bandage hich is normal. Of course alays chec ith your doctor if you have any concerns. Patients should report application site reactions that do not go aay after a fe days that get orse or that spread outside the patch site. f there is a sin rash or irritation from the patch direct sunlight on the area should be avoided until the sin heals. E€posure could lead to changes in sin color. †he NEUPRO Patch Placement †racer can help you rotate your application site every day. ’isit ƒƒƒ­NEPROP‚­com to donload the †racer no. Please see the Important Safet Information an enclose Proct se rochre an Prescriing Information for NEPRO at the ac of this rochre­

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 12 What you should know about NEUPRO® Page 11 Page 13