FAQs. Frequently asked questions about ® NEUPRO (rotigotine transdermal system). 1. Can I get my NEUPRO Patch wet? šes. šou can bathe shoer or sim hile earing the NEUPRO Patch. ›oever ater may loosen your patch. Avoid hot baths as the heat may cause too much medicine to pass through the sin. 2. What if my NEUPRO Patch falls off? f your patch falls off put on a fresh patch until the time you usually change your patch. †hen put a ne patch on a different part of your sin at your regular scheduled time. f the edges of the patch lift you may tape them don ith bandaging tape. 3. What if I forget to t on my NEUPRO Patch? f you miss a dose or forget to change your NEUPRO patch apply a ne NEUPRO patch as soon as you remember. Replace the NEUPRO patch at your normal time the ne€t day. . ow long oes it tae for the NEUPRO Patch to start woring? šour doctor should start you on a lo dose of NEUPRO. šour doctor may change the dose eely until you are taing the right amount of medicine to control your symptoms. t may tae several ees before you reach the dose that controls your symptoms best. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Avoid e€posing the NEUPRO patch you are earing to heating pads electric blanets heat lamps saunas hot tubs heated ater beds and direct sunlight. †oo much medicine could be absorbed into your body. Also do not ear NEUPRO during medical procedures called magnetic resonance imaging Ž­R‘ or cardioversion because this could cause sin burns.

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 11 What you should know about NEUPRO® Page 10 Page 12