What you should know about NEUPRO®

Interactive Guide | A welcome guide for people living with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers | 16 Pages

You’re determined to fight the It’s symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. with the 24-hour Your partner, the 24-hour ONNEUPRO Patch. NEUPRO Patch, can help. It’s • 24 hours of continuous medication • Once-daily dosing ON • Pr oven to help control Parkinson’s disease Learn more and sign up for the ™ Patch Partnership Program at www.NEUPROPD.com You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION NEP can cause serious side effects including severe allergic reactions to the ingredient sodium metabisulfite, falling asleep during normal activities, hallucinations holding my grandson and other psychosis, increases or decreases in blood pressure and heart rate, fainting, unusual urges, increased weight gain and fluid retention, and uncontrolled, sudden movements or make those movements you already have worse or happen more often in people with Parkinson’s disease, and skin ® site reactions. What you should know about NEUPRO (rotigotine transdermal system). A welcome guide for people living with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers. Look inside to see how you may be able to get ® NEUPRO for as low as $10 Please see the Important Safety Information, NEP is a registered trademark, Product Use Brochure and Prescribing and the Neupro Patient ƒavings Program™ and a month for 12 months.* Patch Partnership Program™ are trademarks, * Information for NEUPRO inside. of the … †roup of …ompanies. Eligibility restrictions, terms, ©ˆ‰Š‹ …, nc., ƒmyrna, †A Œ‰‰Ž‰. and conditions apply. All rights reserved. ƒP‘NP‘‰‹Š‹‘‰‰‰Œ’www.NEUPROPD.com or NEP.ormation f nf escribinge and Prochuroduct se rosed Prease see the enclPl INSIE seregivaror patients and ces fc esour• togisolour neuralk with yo tw te on ho Advic• o get­t omshipP.cartnerchPat.P isit

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 1

What does It’s ON mean to me? morning walks It’s The NEUPRO Patch. Your once-daily partner to ON help treat Parkinson’s disease. WELCOME to NEUPRO. It’s ON. As someone facing the challenges of Parkinson’s disease (PD), you’re determined to fight the symptoms that interfere with your daily activities as much as you can, for as long as you can. n fact, you may e determined like you’ve never een efore. And now that your doctor has chosen P ® (rotigotine transdermal system), It’s ON. Please see the Important Safety Information and enclosed Product Use Brochure and Prescribing Information for NEUPRO at the back of this brochure.

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 2

It’s ON because the NEUPRO Patch delivers 24 hours of continuous medicine. And NEUPRO helps improve both motor symptoms and activities of daily living. n clinical trials earlystage P patients taing NEUPRO sa improvement in their Parinson’s symptoms measured by a combination of motor function and activities of daily living. ­otor function can include tremors stiffness sloness and problems • ith balance. Activities of daily living can include eating dressing and aling. • n clinical studies patients ith advancedstage P ho added NEUPRO to their e€isting medication had almost 2 hours less “off” time—and nearly 2.… hours more “on” time—than patients taing a placebo. †he most common side effects of NEUPRO for P are nausea vomiting sleepiness application site reactions di‡‡iness loss of appetite difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep increased seating vision problems leg selling and uncontrolled sudden movements of arms or legs. ‰ust as you’re determined to face the challenges before you no you have a oncedaily partner to help you manage your symptoms. †hat’s hy It’s ON ith the NEUPRO Patch. n addition there is support available through the Patch Partnership ™ Š Program  and you may be able to get savings on your NEUPRO prescription. Š Eligibility restrictions terms and conditions apply. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION NEUPRO contains a sulfite called sodium metabisulfite. ‹ulfites can cause severe allergic reactions that are life threatening to some people ho are sensitive to sulfites. People ith asthma are more sensitive to sulfites. Remove the patch right aay and call your doctor if you have selling of the lips or tongue chest pain or trouble breathing or salloing. NEUPRO may mae you fall asleep suddenly or ithout arning hile doing normal activities such as driving hich may result in accidents. †ell your doctor right aay if this happens. rining alcohol or taing other medicines that cause drosiness may increase your chances of becoming sleepy hile using NEUPRO. o not drive use ha‡ardous machinery or do other dangerous activities until you no ho NEUPRO affects you.

What does It’s ON mean to me? carrot cake from scratch It’s WHAT is NEUPRO? ON ® NEUPRO Žrotigotine transdermal system‘ is a prescription medicine used to treat Parinson’s disease. NEUPRO is effective in helping to improve movement and activities of daily living in people ith P. NEUPRO is a patch that delivers the dopamine agonist rotigotine through the sin directly into the bloodstream. t releases the medicine 24 hours a day providing stable continuous delivery of medication. WHY NEUPRO may be right for you. NEUPRO may be the first medication your doctor has prescribed for you. Or your doctor may be maing a change because you’ve reached a point here your symptom control isn’t hat it used to be. Or you may feel your medication isn’t helping enough. †his is hen an honest conversation ith your doctor becomes so important to decide if the NEUPRO Patch is right for you. Please see the Important Safet Information an enclose Proct se rochre an Prescriing Information for NEPRO at the ac of this rochre­

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With NEUPRO, It’s ON in so many ways, because: • Earl€stage P‚ patients ta ing NEPRO saƒ significant impro…ement in Par inson’s smptoms throgh a comine measre of† — Motor fnctions‡ sch as tremors‡ stiffness‡ sloƒness‡ an prolems ƒith alance‡ an — Acti…ities of ail li…ing‡ incling eating‡ ressing‡ an ƒal ing • A…ance€stage P‚ patients ta ing NEPRO in aition to their eˆisting meication ha almost ‰ hors less “off” time—an nearl ‰­Ž hors more “on” time—than patients ta ing a placeo­ — More than tƒice as man P‚ patients ta ing NEPRO ƒo e p “on” efore ta ing morning meication‡ compare to those ta ing placeo­ • NEPRO is a once a a patch that pro…ies meicine for ‰‘ hors­ ‚o not se NEPRO if o are allergic to rotigotine or an of the other ingreients in the patch­ IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION NEUPRO can cause or orsen psychotic symptoms including hallucinations Žseeing or hearing things that are not real‘ confusion e€cessive suspicion aggressive behavior agitation delusional beliefs Žbelieving things that are not real‘ and disorgani‡ed thining. †he chances of having hallucinations or these other psychoticlie changes are higher in people ith Parinson’s disease ho are elderly taing NEUPRO or taing higher doses of NEUPRO. f you have any of these problems tal to your doctor. NEUPRO can cause decreases in blood pressure especially hen you start or increase your dose. ncreases in blood pressure and heart rate fainting eight gain and fluid retention also can occur. f you faint or feel di‡‡y nauseated or seaty hen you stand up from sitting or lying don or have an unusually fast increase in eight selling or fluid retention especially in the anles or legs tell your doctor.

What does It’s ON mean to me? expressing myself It’s ON Please see the Important Safet Information an enclose Proct se rochre an Prescriing Information for NEPRO at the ac of this rochre­

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WHY a patch may be right for you. ® • NEUPRO Žrotigotine transdermal system‘ provides stable continuous delivery 24 hours a day so you get a consistent level of medication throughout the day. • †he NEUPRO Patch offers oncedaily dosing. ‹imply choose the time of day that ors best for you and apply the patch at the same time each day. • †he medication in the NEUPRO Patch does not go through your digestive system. • ”ood on’t interfere ith ho it ors • No pills to sallo • No need to schedule NEUPRO around meals • †he medication in NEUPRO ill not be affected by the digestive tract NEUPRO can cause nausea vomiting indigestion or upset stomach hich may occur more fre•uently hen you first start using the patch. ‹in reactions may occur at the site here you apply NEUPRO. †ell your doctor if you get a rash redness selling or itching that ill not go aay. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ‹ome patients using NEUPRO get urges to behave in a ay that is unusual expressing myself for them such as unusual urges to gamble strong urges to spend money binge eating or increased se€ual urges and behaviors. f you or your family notices you are developing any unusual behaviors tal to your doctor. NEUPRO may cause uncontrolled sudden movements or mae such movements you already have orse or more fre•uent if you have Parinson’s disease hich may mean that your antiParinson’s medicine needs to be changed.

What does It’s ON mean to me? enjoying a cup of tea It’s SAVINGS, tools, and support. ON ™ It’s ON with the Patch Partnership Program . –e no managing Parinson’s involves more than —ust managing ™ symptoms. Our Patch Partnership Program is designed to be your helpful guide for financial assistance understanding Parinson’s and getting a head start on conversations ith your neurologist ith suggestions for •uestions and topics to discuss. ’isit ƒƒƒ­NEPROSa…ingsP‚­com to find out ho you may be able to get™ ® • NEPRO ”rotigotine transermal sstem• for as loƒ as –—˜ a month ™™ for —‰ months ƒith the NEPRO Patient Sa…ings Program ­ If o’re eligile‡ o can oƒnloa or car an start sa…ing on or neˆt NEPRO prescription­ Š Eligibility restrictions terms and conditions apply. Please see the Important Safet Information an enclose Proct se rochre an Prescriing Information for NEPRO at the ac of this rochre­

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’isit ƒƒƒ­PatchPartnershipP‚­com to get™ • A…ice on hoƒ to tal ƒith or nerologist • Resorces for patients an caregi…ers CARING for someone with Parkinson’s? There are resources for you, too. –hen you care for someone ith Parinson’s you ant to do everything you can to help mae them feel better. †hat’s hy e thin you’ll appreciate the NEUPRO Patch for the symptom control it can help provide as ell as the oncedaily application. –e also hope the financial educational and support ™ services that are available ith our Patch Partnership Program can help you and the one you’re caring for in all inds of ays. n short e’ll or hard to be the best partner e can so you can eep being the best partner you can. f you have any more •uestions about the NEUPRO Patch these resources may help™ ON • ’isit ƒƒƒ­NEPROP‚­com† • For information tailore to caregi…ers • For a emonstration …ieo an instrctions on appling the NEPRO Patch ™ • To sign p for the Patch Partnership Program an the ™ NEPRO Patient Sa…ings Program • šall the toll€free help line at —€›‘‘€Žœœ€‰‰žŸ if o ha…e ¡estions aot hoƒ to appl the NEPRO Patch­ IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ‹in reactions may occur at the site here you apply NEUPRO. †ell your doctor if you get a rash redness selling or itching that ill not go aay. ‹ome people ith Parinson’s disease may have an increased chance of getting a sin cancer called melanoma. šou should have your sin checed by a doctor regularly.

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What does It’s ON mean to me? making dinner together It’s ON HOW to apply the NEUPRO Patch. It is important to appl the patch correctl­ Please see the enclose NEPRO Proct se rochre for complete step€€step instrctions­ e sre to as or octor or pharmacist aot anthing o o not nerstan­ For more information FPO …isit ƒƒƒ­ApplThePatchP‚­com an ƒatch the “¢oƒ to Appl the Patch” …ieo­ Please see the Important Safet Information an enclose Proct se rochre an Prescriing Information for NEPRO at the ac of this rochre­

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FAQs. Frequently asked questions about ® NEUPRO (rotigotine transdermal system). 1. Can I get my NEUPRO Patch wet? šes. šou can bathe shoer or sim hile earing the NEUPRO Patch. ›oever ater may loosen your patch. Avoid hot baths as the heat may cause too much medicine to pass through the sin. 2. What if my NEUPRO Patch falls off? f your patch falls off put on a fresh patch until the time you usually change your patch. †hen put a ne patch on a different part of your sin at your regular scheduled time. f the edges of the patch lift you may tape them don ith bandaging tape. 3. What if I forget to t on my NEUPRO Patch? f you miss a dose or forget to change your NEUPRO patch apply a ne NEUPRO patch as soon as you remember. Replace the NEUPRO patch at your normal time the ne€t day. . ow long oes it tae for the NEUPRO Patch to start woring? šour doctor should start you on a lo dose of NEUPRO. šour doctor may change the dose eely until you are taing the right amount of medicine to control your symptoms. t may tae several ees before you reach the dose that controls your symptoms best. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Avoid e€posing the NEUPRO patch you are earing to heating pads electric blanets heat lamps saunas hot tubs heated ater beds and direct sunlight. †oo much medicine could be absorbed into your body. Also do not ear NEUPRO during medical procedures called magnetic resonance imaging Ž­R‘ or cardioversion because this could cause sin burns.

Frequently asked questions, continued. . What shol I a­oi while taing NEUPRO? o not drive operate machinery or do other dangerous activities until you no ho NEUPRO affects you. Avoid e€posing the NEUPRO Patch you are earing to heating pads electric blanets heat lamps saunas hot tubs heated ater beds and direct sunlight. †oo much medicine could be absorbed into your body. o not use NEUPRO during certain medical procedures called magnetic resonance imaging Ž­R‘ or cardioversion. Using NEUPRO during these procedures could cause a burn to the site here you applied your NEUPRO Patch. €. ‚o I ha­e to aly my NEUPRO Patch aron mealtime? No. Apply your patch hen it’s convenient for you and apply it at the same time each day. œecause NEUPRO is delivered through the sin food should not affect the medication. ƒ. Why o I nee to hol the NEUPRO Patch on for at least 3„ secons? Press your NEUPRO Patch firmly ith the palm of your hand for žŸ seconds to mae sure there is good contact ith your sin especially around the edges. †he armth of your hand helps the adhesive on the patch stic to your sin. ­ae sure that your NEUPRO Patch is flat against your sin. †here should be no bumps or folds in your NEUPRO Patch. …. ow can I re­ent sin irritation or other sin†relate sie effects? šou need to change the location of the NEUPRO Patch on a daily basis and should not use the same location for ¡4 days. ¢hanging the location ill reduce the chance of getting sin irritation. šou may see mild redness lie hen you remove an adhesive bandage hich is normal. Of course alays chec ith your doctor if you have any concerns. Patients should report application site reactions that do not go aay after a fe days that get orse or that spread outside the patch site. f there is a sin rash or irritation from the patch direct sunlight on the area should be avoided until the sin heals. E€posure could lead to changes in sin color. †he NEUPRO Patch Placement †racer can help you rotate your application site every day. ’isit ƒƒƒ­NEPROP‚­com to donload the †racer no. Please see the Important Safet Information an enclose Proct se rochre an Prescriing Information for NEPRO at the ac of this rochre­

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Patch Images Note to designers: When using more than one group of patches in a layout, please be sure to scale the images uniformly. All files are CMYK format, please convert to rgb for web. ‡. ow o I safely sto sing the NEUPRO Patch? o not stop or change your treatment ith NEUPRO ithout taling to your doctor. 1„. What oes the NEUPRO Patch loo lie? ® NEUPRO Žrotigotine transdermal system‘ is a small thin fleshcolored patch that comes in 4 si‡es based on dosage 2 mg 4 mg £ mg and ¤ mg. Actual patch. 11. ow can I sa­e on NEUPRO? Not shon actual si‡e. ™Š †he NEUPRO Patient ‹avings Program is here to help. ’isit ƒƒƒ­NEPROSa…ingsP‚­com to see if you are eligible to donload your savings card today. Š Eligibility restrictions terms and conditions apply. šall the toll€free help line at —€›‘‘€Žœœ€‰‰žŸ if you have additional •uestions about the NEUPRO Patch. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION †ell your doctor if you have breathing problems a sleep disorder mental problems high or lo blood pressure or heart problems¥ are pregnant or plan to become pregnant¥ or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. NEUPRO may not be right for you. †he most common side effects in people taing NEUPRO for Parinson’s disease are nausea vomiting sleepiness application site reactions di‡‡iness loss of appetite difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep increased seating vision problems leg selling and uncontrolled sudden movements of the arms or legs. Notes It’s ON

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IˆPOR‰ŠN‰ ‹ŠŒE‰Ž INŒORˆŠ‰ION NEUPRO contains a sulfite called sodium metabisulfite. ‹ulfites can cause severe allergic reactions that are life threatening to some people ho are sensitive to sulfites. People ith asthma are more sensitive to sulfites. Remove the patch right aay and call your doctor if you have selling of the lips or tongue chest pain or trouble breathing or salloing. NEUPRO may mae you fall asleep suddenly or ithout arning hile doing normal activities such as driving hich may result in accidents. †ell your doctor right aay if this happens. rining alcohol or taing other medicines that cause drosiness may increase your chances of becoming sleepy hile using NEUPRO. o not drive use ha‡ardous machinery or do other dangerous activities until you no ho NEUPRO affects you. NEUPRO can cause or orsen psychotic symptoms including hallucinations Žseeing or hearing things that are not real‘ confusion e€cessive suspicion aggressive behavior agitation delusional beliefs Žbelieving things that are not real‘ and disorgani‡ed thining. †he chances of having hallucinations or these other psychoticlie changes are higher in people ith Parinson’s disease ho are elderly taing NEUPRO or taing higher doses of NEUPRO. f you have any of these problems tal to your doctor. NEUPRO can cause decreases in blood pressure especially hen you start or increase your dose. ncreases in blood pressure and heart rate fainting eight gain and fluid retention also can occur. f you faint or feel di‡‡y nauseated or seaty hen you stand up from sitting or lying don or have an unusually fast increase in eight selling or fluid retention especially in the anles or legs tell your doctor. ‹ome patients using NEUPRO get urges to behave in a ay that is unusual for them such as unusual urges to gamble strong urges to spend money binge eating or increased se€ual urges and behaviors. f you or your family notices you are developing any unusual behaviors tal to your doctor. NEUPRO may cause uncontrolled sudden movements or mae such movements you already have orse or more fre•uent if you have Parinson’s disease hich may mean that your antiParinson’s medicine needs to be changed. ‹in reactions may occur at the site here you apply NEUPRO. †ell your doctor if you get a rash redness selling or itching that ill not go aay. ‹ome people ith Parinson’s disease may have an increased chance of getting a sin cancer called melanoma. šou should have your sin checed by a doctor regularly. Avoid e€posing the NEUPRO patch you are earing to heating pads electric blanets heat lamps saunas hot tubs heated ater beds and direct sunlight. †oo much medicine could be absorbed into your body. Also do not ear NEUPRO during medical procedures called magnetic resonance imaging Ž­R‘ or cardioversion because this could cause sin burns. †ell your doctor if you have breathing problems a sleep disorder mental problems high or lo blood pressure or heart problems¥ are pregnant or plan to become pregnant¥ or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. NEUPRO may not be right for you. †he most common side effects in people taing NEUPRO for Parinson’s disease are nausea vomiting sleepiness application site reactions di‡‡iness loss of appetite difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep increased seating vision problems leg selling and uncontrolled sudden movements of the arms or legs.

isit .PatchPartnershipP.com to get­ • Advice on how to talk with your neurologist • esources for patients and caregivers INSIE Please see the enclosed Product se rochure and Prescribing nformation for NEP. .com.NEUPROPDwww ed. ƒP‘NP‘‰‹Š‹‘‰‰‰Œ’eservAll rights r .yonditions appland cA Œ‰‰Ž‰. ©ˆ‰Š‹ …, nc., ƒmyrna, † inside. NEUPRO rfo ormationInf erms,trictions, tesEligibility r* oup of …ompanies. of the … †r a month for 12 months. ademarks,e tram™ arogrship Prartnerch PatP escribingPr and eochurBr Use oductPr * am™ andogr atient ƒavings Pro Pand the Neupr ormation,Inf etySaf antImport the see easePl w as $10 for as loNEUPRO ademark,ed trertegis is a r®NEP etou may be able to gy wLook inside to see hos.eregivars disease and their carkinson’P e living withor peoplome guide fcelA w ansdermal system).otine trotig(r ®w about NEUPROou should knoWhat y eactions.e rsit s disease, and skinarkinson’e with Pin peopl en e oft se or happen morore weady havalr ou ements yv e those mo ements or makvmo ed, suddenollontr ention, and uncetfluid r eight gain andeased wges, incrunusual ur ainting,e, fat e and heart rsuresood prin bl ndsonay grg mnidhol eases eases or decrchosis, incr and other psy hallucinationsactivities, normal during eep asl allinge, f abisulfit edient sodium metingr o the eactions tgic rere allerv including se ects ause serious side effan cNEP c TION ORMA ANT SAFETY INFIMPORT A-1088. or call 1-800-FD atch v/medwo .fda.g wwwisit A. VFD escription drugs to thefects of prside ef e eport negatived to rage encourou arY .com .NEUPROPDwww at™ am ogr ship Prartner atch PP e and sign up for then mor Lear s disease arkinson’P ol en to help contrvo Pr • ON • Once-daily dosing s of continuous medication• 24 hour sIt’ can help. the 24-hour,atch, Pour partnerYNEUPRO atch. with the 24-hourNEUPRO PON .s diseasearkinson’symptoms of P s It’ e determined to fight therou’Y

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 15

You’re determined to fight the It’s symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. with the 24-hour Your partner, the 24-hour ONNEUPRO Patch. NEUPRO Patch, can help. It’s • 24 hours of continuous medication • Once-daily dosing ON • Pr oven to help control Parkinson’s disease Learn more and sign up for the ™ Patch Partnership Program at www.NEUPROPD.com You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION NEP can cause serious side effects including severe allergic reactions to the ingredient sodium metabisulfite, falling asleep during normal activities, hallucinations holding my grandson and other psychosis, increases or decreases in blood pressure and heart rate, fainting, unusual urges, increased weight gain and fluid retention, and uncontrolled, sudden movements or make those movements you already have worse or happen more often in people with Parkinson’s disease, and skin ® site reactions. What you should know about NEUPRO (rotigotine transdermal system). A welcome guide for people living with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers. Look inside to see how you may be able to get ® NEUPRO for as low as $10 Please see the Important Safety Information, NEP is a registered trademark, Product Use Brochure and Prescribing and the Neupro Patient ƒavings Program™ and a month for 12 months.* Patch Partnership Program™ are trademarks, * Information for NEUPRO inside. of the … †roup of …ompanies. Eligibility restrictions, terms, ©ˆ‰Š‹ …, nc., ƒmyrna, †A Œ‰‰Ž‰. and conditions apply. All rights reserved. ƒP‘NP‘‰‹Š‹‘‰‰‰Œ’ www.NEUPROPD.com or NEP. ormation f nf escribing e and Pr ochur oduct se r osed Pr ease see the enclPl INSIE s er egiv ar or patients and ces fc esour• t ogis ol our neur alk with yo t w t e on ho Advic• o get­t om shipP.c artner chP at .P  isit

What you should know about NEUPRO® - Page 16